Ashvin Arora Explains Two Techniques for Learning Complex Concepts

Ashvin Arora
4 min readMay 19, 2021

Many people find themselves in difficulty when asked to learn new, complex concepts and commit them to memory. Neural pathways grow less plastic as a person ages, and the types of information that a child or teenager could easily absorb are challenging to synthesize.

Fortunately, there are concrete steps that you can take to break down complex concepts and remember them. Located in Singapore, Ashvin Arora and his company, Visible Life, explain this process, naming its advantage for students, professionals, and business people alike.

There are two main approaches to learning complex concepts which educators around the world endorse. These techniques can help students learn even the most difficult concepts, including postgraduate work in medical school or law school.

Based out of Singapore, Ashvin Arora and Visible Life Explain Learning Techniques

The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique was developed by physicist and Nobel Prize recipient Richard Feynman. This technique focuses on preparing a topic as if you were planning on teaching it rather than learning information by rote. When you shift your attitude from the simple recall of facts and figures to breaking down its steps to understand the concept, you will open up new learning pathways in your mind and make the information easier to retain.

Step 1: Explain the Concept

First, write an explanation of the concept and make it as simple as possible. If it helps, try imagining that you are teaching it to a twelve-year-old child. Avoid using industry jargon and empty “business language.” Do not consult the reference material while you are completing this step.

Step 2: Review Information

Consider the information you have laid out and decide which parts are difficult to explain. Go back to the source material and research the question thoroughly. Review these aspects of your concept and repeat this step until you can confidently explain the entire concept.

Step 3: Simplify

While you are refining your knowledge, try to simplify your explanation as much as possible without losing the substance. Assess whether you need to examine any further aspects of the concept that you need to review.

The Feynman Technique provides learners with the framework to cement the information in their minds, working on the principle that if you truly want to learn something, you need to teach it.

The ADEPT Approach

The ADEPT approach, developed by Kalid Azad, takes a different tack than the Feynman method but shares some fundamental principles. The technique focuses on synthesizing the information you want to learn in multiple formats. This creates a multifaceted approach to learning and further reinforces concepts in your mind.

The ADEPT approach can be broken down into five steps. The anagram stands for Analogy, Diagram, Example, Plain English, and Technical Description.

Step 1: Analogy

Ashvin Arora and Visible Life Discuss the ADEPT Technique

First, explain your concept using a comparison or analogy. Most concepts can be broken down into combinations, extensions, or variations on information that you already know. You have encountered many experiences throughout your life, and one of them may be close to this topic and can be your starting point.

Analogies may seem fuzzy and unclear at first, but they help your mind draw connections between new and old information and reinforce both at the same time.

Step 2: Diagram

Next, draw a graph, picture, or diagram of the concept. Diagrams engage your visual and spatial learning. Add labels to as many aspects as you can. Diagrams written on paper can help you organize your thoughts about a topic and let you see the connections that you may be missing.

Step 3: Example

Come up with examples of your concept. You may also be able to work through examples that are given to you. Also, take the time to create counterexamples. This learning technique is different from how we are typically taught new concepts, where examples are fed to us, and we must accept them as part of the idea. Coming up with your own examples can help you explore the ins and outs of the topic.

Step 4: Plain English

After completing the previous three steps, you will certainly have some insights to share. Write down a summary in easy language, again avoiding business jargon or empty words. If you have difficulty explaining the concept in simple language, go back and look up the context of the information when it was first discovered. Find out why it was needed at that time and write down why it is still needed today.

Step 5: Technical Explanation

Go beyond your plain English explanation and use the terminology given in your class or textbook. If it is too hard to do this, you may need to go back and study further using references or course materials.

Exploring Different Learning Models

Ashvin Arora and Visible Life believe that learners at all levels can use these two techniques to absorb and retain complex concepts. For maximum effectiveness, these two techniques can be combined to provide a truly comprehensive picture of the information you need to learn.

Learning complex concepts can be daunting, but with these tool kits, you will have an easier time assimilating them. Ashvin Arora and his team at Visible Life have in part based their learning philosophy on research carried out by MIT scientists which shows that the human eye is capable of processing entire images in the blink of an eye, which is why animated videos are an exceptional way to unravel complex concepts.



Ashvin Arora

Ashvin Arora is an experienced financial services leader in the insurance industry. Currently he is working on Visible Life, his new Singapore-based venture.